

taken with seagull at caramel cafe. love the lightness from overexposure! even though it was a mistake.


kuanth said...


steph said...

you have to take these for bb whenever you have a chance!!!

~TUCK LOONG~ said...

wah~good start leh SK :p
love it ...

sokkuan tye said...

kuan, yes i like the ghostly effect!

bun, ghostly effect not suitable for bb.

tuckloong, yay! thanks!

pris, thanks! :-)

steph said...

ummm, suit bb mama then!!!

meowclub said...

is the title means natsu(summer)?

i like the effect from seagull!

sokkuan tye said...

hey ashley, yes! natsu desu.
this one is my mistake. but i like it. haha...